Saturday, October 23, 2010

Cloth Diapers...

We recently changed to cloth diapers. It was our plan all along. They are better on the environment, but our real motivation is they are just cheaper and we're on a budget. We were given quite a few disposable diapers as gifts when Chloe was born and are just now breaking into our stash of cloth provided by Sam's fantastic Mama.

Chloe wasn't too impressed with my first attempt...

We could use a little practice....

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Late Nights and New Beginnings...

Writing this first post feels a lot like the first page in one of my awkward self introduction for an audience that already knows me or knows enough about me that the usual formality is unnecessary. So this first post, like most of my new beginnings will be a little awkward...

I haven't been sleeping lately. Mostly because we brought litt
le Chloe home to live with us. She slept all through the night the first day we brought her home from the hospital. In fact, she slept soundly the whole first week. Right up until I stopped taking the high dose pain meds the doctor prescribed...who knew?

Ever since we've become two late night ladies; and for some reason I am starting a blog at 4 in the morning. Its seems only right that late night blogging would accompany here goes!